Profile “Espace professionnel” (Professional space)

Profile “Espace professionnel” (Professional space)


This content is intended for the public covered by the exceptions of the Charter of the French language and its regulations.
If you read on, you confirm that you fall within one of these exceptions.

This section allows you to: 

  1. addedit or delete certain information associated to your Espace professionnel” (hereafter, Professional space) including:
  1. your email addresses;
  1. your telephone numbers;
  1. your password;
  1. the secret question and answer used to confirm your identity when you communicate with Lobbyisme Québec; 
  1. if you are or will be called upon to be a lobbyist:
  1. adjust your preferences regarding the public or non-public status of your email addressestelephone numbers and other website addresses in your Lobbyist recordif applicable;
  1. specify the nature and term of any public office you hold or have held and that are required, by law, to be disclosed in the mandates to which you will be attached. 

“Personal” tab


This tab contains basic information concerning you, according to the information provided in step 1 of the creation of your account:

  1. the unique user number automatically assigned to you by Carrefour Lobby Québec;
  1. your first and last name;
  1. your date of birth.

This information was confirmed during the validation of your identity (step 2 of the creation of your account) and cannot be modified in your Profile. To modify or correct this information, please contact Lobbyisme Québec.

Your email addresses

The email address you provided when creating your Professional space is set by default as:

  1. your unique login ID;
  1. the email address used to receive notifications from Carrefour Lobby Québec and Lobbyisme Québec.

Only one email address can be defined as a login ID. Similarly, only one email address can be defined to receive notifications from Carrefour Lobby Québec and Lobbyisme Québec. It can be the same address or two separate addresses.

Your Professional space must, at all times, contain at least one valid login email address and one valid notification email address.

Addingremoving or changing an email address

To change an email address or your email preferences, click on the pencil icon in the Action column.

You can add an address by clicking on "Add an email address", or remove an address by clicking on the trash can icon.

Each request to change or add an email address requires validation on your part. To do so, you must enter a security code in the space indicated in Carrefour Lobby Québec. This code will be sent to you by email.

Displaying your email addresses in your Lobbyist record

Your email addresses are by default non-publicOnly Lobbyisme Québec has access to them fopurposes of administration and implementation of the Act.

To make them public in your Lobbyist record, check the box Public email address (Lobbyist record) in the screen that is accessible by clicking on the pencil icon, in the Action column. You can also make this choice when adding a new email address.

The Lobbyist record is accessible as soon as a mandate to which you are attached as a lobbyist is published.

Your telephone numbers

The telephone number you provided when creating your Professional space has been automatically added to the telephone numbers in your Profile.

Your Professional space must, at all times, contain at least one valid telephone number. 

Adding, removing or changing a telephone number

To change a telephone number or your telephone preferences, click on the pencil icon in the Action column.

You can add a number by clicking on "Add a telephone number", or remove a number by clicking on the trash can icon.

Displaying your telephone numbers in your Lobbyist record

Your telephone numbers are by default non-public. Only Lobbyisme Québec has access to them for the purposes of administration and implementation of the Act.

To make them public on your Lobbyist record, check the box Public telephone number (Lobbyist record) in the screen that is accessible by clicking on the pencil icon, in the Action column. You can also make this choice when adding a new telephone number.

The Lobbyist record is accessible as soon as a mandate to which you are attached as a lobbyist is published.

Optional – Displaying other addresses in your Lobbyist record 

If you wishyou may add to your Lobbyist record web addresses linking to your social media profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) or to your enterprise or organization’s website.

ATTENTION: Any address added in this section will be made public in your lobbyist profile as soon as a mandate to which you are attached as a lobbyist is published.

“Holder functions” tab

You are required to fill in this section before you can be attachedas a lobbyist, to a mandate that is to be published in Carrefour Lobby Québec. To complete this section, click on the pencil icon, located in the upper right corner.

You must first indicate whether you have ever been a public office holder as defined by the Act:

    1. if you are not engaged in lobbying activities or you will not be called upon to act as a lobbyist, you are not required to disclose the nature and duration of your public offices. In this case, please click on "Not relevant as I will not be acting as a lobbyist".
    2. if you have not previously been a public office holder, click on "No".
    3. if you are or have ever been a public office holderclick on “Yes” and indicate, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, the public offices you have held in the two years preceding:
  1. if you are or will be acting as a consultant lobbyist, the date on which you were engaged by each of your clients;
  1. if you are or will be acting as an enterprise lobbyist or an organization lobbyist, the date the date of your engagement with each enterprise or organization on whose behalf you are or will be lobbying.

You may also, if you wish, indicate any other previous public office you have heldwithout any limit in time.

Adding public office holder functions

To add public office holder functions:

  1. click on “Add a holder function”;
  1. selectfrom the listthe public institution in which you hold or have held this functionIf the institution does not appear in the list, indicate its name in the text field provided for this purpose; 
  1. specify the nature of your functions within this institution;
  1. enter the dates you began and ended your employment with the selected institution. If you are still performing these functions, check the box “Functions still in progress” instead of indicating an end date.

The registered functions will be directly imported when drafting a mandate to which you will be attached as a lobbyist. They can be selected to be declared when the mandate is published and made public. (in the mandate and in your Lobbyist record).

“Account security” tab

This section contains the security information allowing you to access your Professional space as well as the secret question and answer required to validate your identity when you communicate with Lobbyisme Québec.

You can modify your password as well as your secret question and its answer by clicking on the pencil icon.

* The content of this page is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

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